public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag php

February 2007


by 5 others
un CRM Ajax en PHP

December 2006

SSL Redirect Filter for Symfony

Serving secure pages on a website is made a lot easier by having both your secure and insecure pages served by the same files - all you need to do is change the scheme from http:// to https:// and you're done. But how do you manage which pages should redirect to the secure server? And how do you make sure you redirect users back when they're finished submitting sensitive information?

RoundCube Webmail Project

by 11 others
RoundCube Webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface.

November 2006

symfony PHP5 framework » Announcing symfony 1.0 beta 1

by 1 other
The announcement of the release of symfony 1.0 Beta 1

Article : Symfony, ou comment coder plus confortablement ;)

by 6 others (via)
Avec Symfony, vous allez redécouvrir la programmation grâce à ce framework très agréable.

Hardened-PHP Project - PHP Security - Home

by 4 others
The Hardened-PHP Project has the goal to help you with securing your applications and webpages.

Frameworks PHP : Symfony, inachevé ? - Blog - Veille - Clever Age

by 10 others, 1 comment
Derrière ce titre que Franz Schubert ne renierait pas se cachent nos interrogations au sujet de l’excellent framework Symfony qui, à peine un an après son lancement, s’impose peu à peu sur le devant de la scène PHP.

October 2006

Symfony Tree structure Reminder

Une cheat sheet concernant l'arborescence des fichiers de Symfony

PHP Security Consortium: PHPSecInfo

by 8 others (via)
The idea behind PHPSecInfo is to provide an equivalent to the phpinfo() function that reports security information about the PHP environment, and offers suggestions for improvement. It is not a replacement for secure development techniques, and does not do any kind of code or app auditing, but can be a useful tool in a multilayered security approach.

September 2006

Symfony - How to cache custom configuration

This page demostrates a further step to make your confiuration files cached, in symfony way.

August 2006

Zend Framework Tutorial

This complete, step-by-step tutorial provides an exclusive first look at building a practical application with the framework by showing you how to write a simple news management system.


PHP EXIF LIBRARY mailing-list archive : lots of tips about using PEL.

The PHP 5 Data Object (PDO) Abstraction Layer and Oracle

by 1 other
An overview of the new PHP Data Objects (PDO) data abstraction layer, with a focus on Oracle, from one of its original developers.

ARC: ARC - RDF and SPARQL for PHP developers

ARC facilitates the integration of RDF and SPARQL functionality in PHP/MySQL-driven frameworks.

OpenMSS :: View topic - Howto install a webserver, php and mysql

How to build a linux + lighhttpd + PHP5 + MySQL platform over a simple Mactor Shared Storage network disk.

PEL: PHP Exif Library

The PHP Exif Library (PEL) lets you manipulating Exif (Exchangeable Image File Format) data. This is the data that digital cameras place in their images, such as the date and time, shutter speed, ISO value and so on.

Sintags, The Akelos Framework special syntax for view Templates

The Akelos Framework uses PHP as its language for templates, but sometimes looping and printing PHP vars becomes a repetitive task that makes your view templates look not beauty. The Akelos Framework doesn't want to force you to learn another useless template language. You have the power of PHP on your templates, but in some cases there is need for a graphic designer to create templates for views, so we have added a very limited syntax that allows you to create simple but powerful templates on WYSIWYG HTML editors.

Akelos Framework, Rails ported to PHP

The Akelos Framework is an open-source port of Ruby on Rails to the PHP programming language.

July 2006

Howto PHP / Java bridge on Debian

by 1 other (via)
The PHP / Java Bridges makes it possible to run use java objects within your PHP code.

cake baker

by 2 others
A blog for baking cakes with CakePHP

Main Page - Patterns For PHP

by 12 others
Patterns for PHP is a repository of Design Patterns implemented specifically for PHP.

A interactive PHP Shell

by 3 others
An interactive shell written in PHP

Improve PHP Performance by Caching Database Results | Database Change Notification

As is well known, caching the results of database queries can dramatically improve script execution time and minimize the load on the database server. This technique can be especially effective if the data you are dealing with is quite static. This is because many data requests to a remote database may be eventually satisfied from the local cache, thus avoiding the need to make a connection to the database, execute the query, and fetch the results.

Zend Framework : documentation française

by 3 others
Traduction en français de la documentation du Zend Framework, récemment passé en version 0.14.